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  Is: 1

English: near, next to, by, close to
it grows by the edge of the road
Português: perto
日本語: そば, そば, 程近いほどちかい, 近いちかい, 近くちかく
Ελληνικά: κοντά
toki pona: poka
中文: jìn
Français: pres
Italiano: vicino (a), (di) presso, a fianco (di)
Български: близко
Esperanto: proksime al
Español: cerca
Deutsch: bei, neben
Nederlands: dichtbij, nabij
Suomi: lähellä, jähelle

Wikipedia: 1

(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

MG: almost; nearly; about; most; near; nigh; virtually; well-nigh; approximately; close to; just about; some; roughly; more or less; around; or soalmost; nearly; about; most; near; nigh; virtually; well-nigh; approximately; close to; just about; some; roughly; more or less; around; or so