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Semantic relations:

English: message
transmitted information; a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled
he sent a three-word message
Русский: сообщение
Français: message, signal
Italiano: messaggio, notizia, comunicazione, comunicato
Hrvatski: obavijest, poruka, priopćenje
Bahasa Indonesia: berita, perutusan, pesan, warta, pesanan
Svenska: meddelande
Slovenčina: oznámenie, správa, posolstvo
Norsk: beskjed, melding
Slovenščina: sporočilo, vest
Íslenska: boð, tilkynning, skilaboð, orðsending, orð, boðskapur, erindi, skilmæli

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 消息xiāo xī, 信息xìn xī, 短信duǎn xìn, 讯息xùn xī, 音信yīn xìn, 说话shuō huà, 讲话jiǎng huà
繁體中文: 消息, 信息, 短信, 訊息, 音信, 說話, 講話
العربية: رسالة, رِسالة, <root> رسل, <brokenpl> رسائل
Deutsch: die Botschaft, die Nachricht
Polski: wieść, wiadomość
ไทย: ข้อความ, แมสเซจ
Ελληνικά: μήνυμα
Català: missatge
Dansk: besked, melding
Shqipe: mesazh
Esperanto: komunikaĵo, mesaĝo
norsk: beskjed, melding
Español: mensaje, noticia
Português: a mensagem
日本語: 言付けことづけ, 託けことづけ, メッセージ, メッセイジ
Româneşte: înștiințare
Nederlands: boodschap, mededeling, bericht, kerngedachte, mare, tijding
Български: бележка, известие, послание, съобщение
Suomi: viesti
עברית: הוֹדָעָה, מֶסֶר
Lietuviškai: žinutė, pranešimas
Euskara: mezu

Wikipedia: 1

(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

{MG: populace; public; the people; citizenry; worldMG: crowd; mass of people; multitude}the masses; people; populace; commoners