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Semantic relations:

English: loyal
unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause or duty
العربية: موالي
日本語: 忠なるちゅうなる
Nederlands: getrouw, trouw

Wikipedia: 1

中文: zhōng
Português: leal
Italiano: fedele, leale
Ελληνικά: πιστό <-τή/-τός>
Español: fiel
Deutsch: treu
Româneşte: loialitate
Esperanto: fidela, lojala
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[MG: wolfMG: use; utilise; employ; applyMG: fang; tusk,[MG: maleMG: cow; ox; bull; cattle; kine; oxen]MG: use; utilise; employ; applyMG: horn]The wolf attacks with his fang, the bull with his horn