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MG: not; no; nope; don't; non MG: enough; quite; sufficiently; adequately MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: insufficient, deficient, inadequate, unequal
lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
inadequate training; the staff was inadequate; she was unequal to the task
Français: inadéquat
Româneşte: inadecvat, neadecvat, necorespunzător
Български: недостатъчен, незадоволителен
Suomi: puutteellinen, riittämätön
Norsk: upassende
ar Brezhoneg: skort
Interlingua: insufficiente

WordNet: 1

简体中文: 不充分的bù chōng fèn de, 不够的bù gòu de, 不胜任的bù shèng rèn de, 不足的bù zú de, 不适当的bù shì dàng de, 不足bù zú
繁體中文: 不充分的, 不夠的, 不勝任的, 不足的, 不適當的, 不足
日本語: 不充分ふじゅうぶん, 不十分ふじゅうぶん, 不適切ふてきせつ, 不適当ふてきとう, 片秀へんしゅう
Hrvatski: nedovoljan, neadevkatan
Svenska: otillräcklig
Slovenčina: nedostatočný, neprimeraný
Lietuviškai: netinkamas, nepakankamas
Cymraeg: annigonol
Íslenska: ófullnægjandi, ófullkominn, ónógur
Español: inadecuado, inigual
Italiano: insufficiente, inadeguato, inappropriato, inidoneo, disadatto, inadatto, non all'altezza
ไทย: ซึ่งไม่เพียงพอ
Català: inadequat
Dansk: upassende
Slovenščina: neenak, nezadosten
Galego: inadecuado, inaxeitado
Монгол хэл: хангалтгүй, хүрэлцээгүй, хүрэхгүй, хүрэлцэхгүй
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[{MG: show; exhibit; display; exposeMG: right; correct; true}MG: act; deed; event; action; activity; human action](the) demonstration; proof