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MG: heart; pump; ticker MG: game MG: card

Semantic relations:
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English: heart
a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it
hearts were trumps; he led the queen of hearts
Português: copas
Italiano: cuore (seme delle carte)
Hrvatski: srce
Bahasa Indonesia: lekuk, jantung
Català: cor
Norsk: hjerter
Íslenska: hjarta
简体中文: 红心hóng xīn
繁體中文: 紅心
Français: cœur
Polski: kier, czerwo, serce
ไทย: โพแดง, ไพ่โพแดง
Български: купа
Suomi: hertta
Slovenščina: srce, herc
norsk: hjerter
Español: corazón
日本語: ハート
Româneşte: cupă, inimăroșie
Nederlands: harten, hart
Svenska: hjärter
Dansk: hjerter
Euskara: bihotz

WordNet: 1

(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

MG: muka; paras; rupa; wajahmuka; paras; rupa; wajah