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MG: dead MG: body; organic structure; physical structure

Semantic relations:

English: corpse, cadaver, stiff, clay, remains
dead body
the cadaver was intended for dissection; honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay; the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse; the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river
Русский: тело, труп
Português do Brasil: cadáver
日本語: 屍体したい, むくろ, 亡骸ぼうむくろ, しかばね, 屍骸しがい, 形骸けいがい, 死人しにん, 死体したい, 死屍しし, , 死身しみ, 死骸しがい, 遺体いたい, 遺骸いがい, むくろ
Italiano: cadavere, salma, corpo, morto, spoglia
kiSwahili: kimba
ไทย: ซากศพ, ศพ, ซากผี, ศพผู้เสียชีวิต, ศพคนตาย, พระบรมศพ, พระศพ
Tagalog: bangkay
Ελληνικά: πτώμα, λείψανο
Català: cadàver, cos, mort, restes
Slovenčina: mŕtvola
Norsk: lik
Slovenščina: truplo <n>, kadaver, mrlič, mrtvak, mrtvec
Eesti: surnukeha
Føroyskt: lík, ræ
Íslenska: lík, hræ, nár, dauðingi
norsk: lik
Egyptian: ẖꜣt

简体中文: 尸 | 尸体 | 死尸 | 遗体shī | shī tǐ | shī tǐ | sǐ shī | yí tǐ
繁體中文: 尸, 屍體, 尸體, 死尸, 遺體
العربية: جثة, جثـه، جثـمـان, جُثْمان, <root> جثم, جُثّة, <root> جثث, رُفاة, جثمان, رفاة
Français: le corps, le cadavre, dépouille
한국어: 시체
Türkçe: ceset
Româneşte: cadavru, corp, trup
Nederlands: lijk, aas, kadaver, kreng
Magyar: hulla
Български: труп
Afrikaans: lyk
Dansk: lig
Shqipe: kufomë, meit, trup njeriu, eshtra
Македонски: трупот, лешот
Cymraeg: abar, celain, corff marw, dynin
Galego: cadáver, restos, corpo
Монгол хэл: хүүр, цогцос, үхдэл
Papiamentu: kadaver
Sumerian: adda, ad6
Español: cuerpo, muerto, cadáver, cenizas, fiambre, restos, restos mortales
Português: cadáver, corpo, defunto, enchido, restos mortais
Deutsch: Leiche, Leichnam
తెలుగు: శవం
Polski: zwłoki
Hrvatski: kadaver, leš, mrtvac, posmrtni ostatci, truplo
Bahasa Indonesia: bangkai, jasad, kunarpa, jenazah, mayat
Čeština: mrtvola
Svenska: lik, kadaver
Suomi: ruumis, kalmo, tomumaja, maalliset jäännökset
עברית: !גּוּפָה
Lietuviškai: lavonas
Latviešu: līķis
Esperanto: kadavro
Interlingua: cadavere
Latine: corpus
Sicilianu: cadaviri

WordNet: 1

(not your lang?)->
(your name/email):

{MG: goodMG: hand; mitt; paw; manusMG: use; utilise; employ; apply}handle; wield