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MG: nine MG: six; 6; vi; half dozen; half-dozen MG: atom

Semantic relations:
  Instance of: 1

English: curium
atomic number 96
Русский: кюрий
Français: curium
한국어: 퀴륨
Српски: киријум
ไทย: คูเรียม
Čeština: curium
Català: curi
Slovenčina: curium
Lietuviškai: kiuris
Esperanto: kuriumo
norsk: curium
繁體中文: 鋦
العربية: كوريوم
Deutsch: Curium
Italiano: curio
Hrvatski: kurij
Nederlands: curium
Ελληνικά: κιούριο
Suomi: curium
Dansk: curium
Latviešu: kirijs
Galego: curio
Español: curio
Português: cúrio
日本語: キュリウム
Polski: kiur
Bošnjački: kirijum
Magyar: kűrium
Svenska: curium
Հայերէն: կյուրիում
עברית: קוריום
Eesti: kuurium
Latine: curium
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[MG: oneMG: mouse; miceMG: 's; of; possessive; -adjMG: small; littleMG: excrement; feces; faeces; dung; ordure; stool; dejection; shit; crap; shite; turd; poop; body waste; excretion; excreta; excretory product[MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive)MG: bad]MG: oneMG: whole; entire; completeMG: riceMG: 's; of; possessive; -adjMG: pot]One mouse dropping ruins the whole pot of rice porridge; One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch