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MG: judge; form an opinion about; evaluate MG: person; human being; homo; human being; individual; someone; somebody; mortal; soul

Semantic relations:

English: judge, justice, jurist
a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice
العربية: قاضِي, <root> قضي, <brokenpl> قضاة, قاضي
日本語: 判事はんじ, 司法官しほうかん, 司直しちょく, 審判員しんぱんいん, 審判官しんぱんかん, 治安判事ちあんはんじ, 法学者ほうがくもの, 法官ほうかん, 裁判官さいばんかん
Româneşte: județ, jude, judecător
Nederlands: kenner, scheidsrechter, rechter
Български: съдия
Suomi: tuomari, lakimies, juristi
עברית: GAP!
Lietuviškai: teisėjas
Galego: xuíz

WordNet: 1

中文: 推事tuī shì, 法官fǎ guān, 裁判官cái pàn guān
Português: juiz, juíz, juíza, magistrado
Italiano: giudice, magistrato, pretore
Hrvatski: sudac
Bahasa Indonesia: juri, kadi, hakim, pengadilan, juris
Svenska: domare
Slovenčina: sudca, právnik
Norsk: dommer
Slovenščina: sodnik
Íslenska: dómsmaður, dómandi, dæmandi, dómari
Español: juez, magistrado, togado
Français: justice, magistrat, juge, juriste
Polski: sędzia
ไทย: ผู้พิพากษา, ศาล, ตุลาการ
Ελληνικά: κριτής, νομικός
Català: jutge, magistrat, togat
Dansk: dommer
Shqipe: gjyqtar, gjykatës, jurist, magjstrate
Euskara: epaile, ebazle, juje, magistratu, jujari, juez
norsk: dommar
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MG: thank; give thanksthank; give thanks