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MG: must; have to MG: by...-ed; -en; by; passive MG: pity; feel compassion toward; feel sorry for; feel for; compassionate; condole with; sympathize with MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:

English: hapless, miserable, misfortunate, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, wretched
Русский: жалкий, несчастный, презренный, ничтожный, бедный
Português do Brasil: pobre
日本語: 侘しいわびしい
Polski: nędzny
Nederlands: arm, behoeftig
Ελληνικά: οικτρός
Afrikaans: arm
Slovenčina: úbohý
Latviešu: nabadzīgs
Cymraeg: gresynus, truenus
Frysk: earm
Íslenska: fátækur
bil-Malti: msejjken, miskin, sfortunat, żvinturat, diżgrazzjat, patetiku
हिनदी: ग़रीब
العربية: فقير, ضعيف وفاشِل
Français: pauvre, pitoyable
Italiano: povero, indigente, patetico
kiSwahili: hafifu
Magyar: szegény
Svenska: fattig
Suomi: köyhä
Dansk: fattig
ar Brezhoneg: paour, didra
Esperanto: malriĉa
Galego: pobre
Монгол хэл: сэтгэл хөдлөм, зүрх өвдмөөр
Papiamentu: pober
Español: miserable, pobre, triste
Português: pobre
Deutsch: arm, armselig, bedauernswert, dürftig, erbärmlich, kläglich
Türkçe: zavallı
Româneşte: sărac
Čeština: politováníhodný, žalostný, nebohý, ubohý, chudý
Català: pobre
Հայերէն: անօգնական
Lietuviškai: vargšas, nelaimingas, skurdus, pasigailėtinas, menkas, vargingas, graudus
Eesti: vaene, haletsusväärne
Føroyskt: neyđars, neyđarsligur
Interlingua: paupere
Latine: inops, pauper
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{MG: infiniteMG: limit; boundary; boundMG: calculate; reckon; compute; cipher; cypher; work out; figureMG: science; scientific discipline}calculus; infinitesimal calculus