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  verb (intransitive)
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  Opposes: 1

English: condense, distill, distil
change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops
water condenses; The acid distills at a specific temperature
Français: distiller, condenser
Româneşte: condensa
Nederlands: neerslaan, condenseren
Ελληνικά: υγροποιούμαι
Euskara: kondentsatu
简体中文: 使渗出shǐ shèn chū, 使滴下shǐ dī xià, 蒸馏zhēng liú
繁體中文: 使滲出, 使滴下, 蒸餾
日本語: 凝結+するぎょうけつ+する, 凝縮+するぎょうしゅく+する, 結露+するけつろ+する
Hrvatski: destilirati se, kondenzirati se
Bahasa Melayu: mengembun, menyaring, menyuling, meringkaskan, suling, memeluwapkan
Català: condensar-se, condensar

Wikipedia: 1

Português: condensar, destilar
Italiano: condensare, distillare, condensarsi
ไทย: กลั่น
Bahasa Indonesia: mengembun, menyaring, menyuling, meringkaskan, suling
Suomi: tiivistyä, tislautua

WordNet: 1

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[MG: oneMG: mouse; miceMG: 's; of; possessive; -adjMG: small; littleMG: excrement; feces; faeces; dung; ordure; stool; dejection; shit; crap; shite; turd; poop; body waste; excretion; excreta; excretory product[MG: become; turn (also used with transitive verbs to make them intransitive)MG: bad]MG: oneMG: whole; entire; completeMG: riceMG: 's; of; possessive; -adjMG: pot]One mouse dropping ruins the whole pot of rice porridge; One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch