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MG: word MG: letter; character; grapheme

Semantic relations:

English: logogram, hanzi, kanji, pictogram, ideogram, logograph, ideograph
word grapheme; a single written symbol that represents an entire word or phrase without indicating its pronunciation; a graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it
7 is a logogram that is pronounced 'seven' in English and 'nanatsu' in Japanese; Chinese characters are ideograms
日本語: 表語文字ひょうごもじ, 表意文字ひょういもじ
Româneşte: ideogramă
ไทย: อักษรแทนคำ, อักษรแทนความหมาย
Bahasa Indonesia: logogram, aksara morfemis, ideogram
Slovenščina: logograf, sigla, ideogram, pojmovno znamenje

Wikipedia: 1

Português: Escritas ideográficas, logossilabário, Ideograma
Italiano: logogramma, pittogramma, ideogramma
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: مارک تجارتی
Nederlands: beeldteken, ideogram
Català: logograma, ideograma
Euskara: ideograma

WordNet: 1 2

Français: logogramme, logographe, idéogramme, idéographe
Polski: logograf, logogram, ideogram
Hrvatski: ideogram
Bahasa Melayu: ideogram
Suomi: logogrammi, sanamerkki, ideogrammi, ideografi
Galego: ideograma
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MG: begin; start out; commence; set about; lead offbegin; start out; commence; set about; lead off