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Help for using Mailing lists (Mailman program)

This is the command help for version 2.0.11 of the "Mailman" list program. The following describes commands you can send to get information about and control your subscription to Mailman lists at this site. A command can be in the subject line or in the body of the message.

List specific commands (subscribe, who, etc) should be sent to the *-request address for the particular list, e.g. for the 'mg_discussion' list, use 'mg_discussion-request@...'.

About the descriptions - words between "//"s signify REQUIRED items and words in "[]" denote OPTIONAL items. Do not include the "//"s or "[]"s when you use the commands.

The following commands are valid:

Commands should be sent to *-request@lists.sourceforge.net (e.g. for the mediaglyphs-discussion list use mediaglyphs-discussion-request@...)

Questions and concerns for the attention of a person should be sent to

*-owner@lists.sourceforge.net (e.g. for the mediaglyphs-discussion list use mediaglyphs-discussion-owner@...)

First appearance: Fri Aug 30 17:58:17 BST 2002 - | - Last modified: Mon Jul 20 23:32:30 CEST 2009