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MediaGlyphs Project

Human & Computer Language

The MediaGlyphs project is also aimed at developing a computer-parsable language engineered to be comprehensible by both humans and computers. This language is intended for use in programming and artificial intelligence research, with a specific emphasis on advancing Natural Language Understanding (NLU) capabilities.

We intend to develop a language that not only facilitates effective communication between humans and computers but also enhances the capabilities of AI systems in understanding and interpreting natural language.

Key features:

By creating a language that transcends not only cultural and linguistic barriers but also those between natural language and programming languages, we seek to empower developers, researchers, and AI enthusiasts to unlock new possibilities in software engineering and artificial intelligence.

What is MG?
First appearance: Sun Jan 3 21:54:51 CET 2010 - | - Last modified: Thu 16 May 15:22:54 BST 2024
MG: volcano; ventvolcano; vent